13 - 14 October 2022 | Zakopane

There is IT beyond code

About The Conference

Conference different than others

This is conference for IT people, however it is not yet another conference on programmings, frameworks and tools. We would like to show there are things in IT beyond code.

We will talk about technical leadership skills, mentoring, communication, negotiations, soft skills and a bit of architecture. We would like to talk about what you are doing in your free time, about your passions like sport cars, gliding, gun shooting, etc. And also healthy food, standing desks, biohacking and other things that  may interest people from IT.

First day we focus on those “soft skills” for IT. On the second day, there will continuation of those “soft skills” in one track. And in parallel we will organize Architecture Camp – short presentations followed by discussion tables in smaller groups.

Primary language is Polish. However, we do accept also talks in English.

Conference Will Start in


Buy Tickets
Be hurry! Current Early Bird offer will not last for ages...

Make a wise decision. Do you want conference only ticket and take care of accommodation on your own? Or maybe you would like to stay in the Nosalowy Dwor and enjoy all days and nights with friends and colleagues and use all hotel amenities like swimming pool, sauna or spa. Not to mention free breakfast and no need for commuting.

Conference only

Most affordable!
899+ 23% VAT
  • 2 days, 2 tracks
  • 30+ presentations
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • OpenSpace discussions
  • Networking Afterparty
  • Lifetime Access to Beyond Code community

Shared Room

Best value!
1299+ 23% VAT
  • 2 days, 2 tracks
  • 30+ presentations
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • OpenSpace discussions
  • Networking Afterparty
  • Lifetime Access to Beyond Code community
  • 2 nights (12-14 Oct) in 4* hotel in Twin Room

Private Room

Most convenient!
1699+ 23% VAT
  • 2 days, 2 tracks
  • 30+ presentations
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • OpenSpace discussions
  • Networking Afterparty
  • Lifetime Access to Beyond Code community
  • 2 nights (12-14 Oct) in 4* hotel in Single Room
What is Beyond Code community?

Beyond Code is nothing like other dev conferences. You should already know that. That’s why we offer much more than just regular 1-3 day gathering during the conference itself. We are also building community of likeminded people that will stay in touch throughout whole year.

We will start with the Discord server open for everybody, however some channels will be only for Beyond Code participants. 

In addition to space where you can just chat with others, it will be the place for gathering people who would like to do something together. Like walking in the mountains, skiing, car racing, paragliding, cycling, yachting and more. Beyond Code participants will be always first to know about those events.


Day 1 (13 October)

Room 5

Room 2

9:00 – 9:30

Grzegorz Duda

9:30 – 10:20

Jaka piękna katastrofa
Katarzyna Leszczyńska-Bohdan

Co dopamina i adrenalina robi z programist(k)ą?
Jakub Pilimon

10:20 – 10:40

Coffee Break

10:40 – 11:30

Jak tworzyć produkt, a nie zbiór funkcjonalności
Radek Maziarka

Team architecture – monolith, microservices or something else? Choose wisely.
Adrian Sasin

11:30 – 11:50

Coffee Break

11:50 – 12:40

Nie wypalaj się!
Ola Kunysz

Grow Together – how engineers who become leaders grow their careers without selling out or burning out
Michał Parkoła

12:40 – 13:40

Lunch Break

13:40 – 14:30

Jak nasze dążenia do bycia SUPERHUMANS niszczą nasze relacje? Czy różnorodność i inkluzywność są rozwiązaniem?
Beata Mosór

Practices of an Agile Developer
Venkat Subramaniam

14:30 – 14:50

Coffee Break

14:50 – 15:40

Umiejętności miękkie dla storming troopera
Sławek Sobótka

4 key habits to achieve work-life balance and avoid burnout
Piotr Nabielec

15:40 – 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:00

Effecting Change: The Art of Leading Teams
Venkat Subramaniam

17:00 – 19:30

Hobbies For Geeks
Agenda in progress…
There will be talks/discussions about survival, car racing, gun shooting, drums playing and more…

Jakub Kubryński – “Czy hobby może przenieść nasza karierę na wyższy poziom?”
Piotr Nabielec – “Jak muzyka pomogła mi założyć biznes”
Paweł Szlendak – “Współczesny surwiwal i działania w sytuacjach kryzysowych”

19:30 – 22:00

Networking party

Day 2 (14 October)

Room 5

Room 2

9:10 – 10:00

Czas na exit z biznesu? Jak nie wtopić – najważniejsze lekcje dla inżynierów budujących własne firmy
Wojciech Seliga

Impostor Syndrome, czyli hamulec rozwoju
Anita Przybył

10:00 – 10:20

Coffee Break

10:20 – 11:10

Co każdy specjalista powinien wiedzieć o przedsiębiorczości?
Jakub Kubryński

Bądź swoim własnym VC. Czyli jak zbudować ekosystem wspierających się produktów.
Bogusz Pękalski

11:10 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:20

Jak zostać mówcą, czyli the dev speech
Monika Malinowska

Czego uczy nas system Legacy?
Jakub Pilimon

12:20 – 13:20

Lunch Break

13:20 – 14:10

Architecture Camp
Sławek Sobótka – “Coupling modułów to symptom przeoczonych pod-domen

Poszukaj kolejnego smoka do zabicia – o przekraczaniu celów
Krzysztof Rakowski, Paweł Rekowski

14:10 – 14:30

Coffee Break

14:30 – 15:20

Architecture Camp
Venkat Subramaniam – “Extensibility: Reality or Myth

Szybki kurs myślenia biznesowego dla inżynierów
Michał Bartyzel

15:20 – 15:40

Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:30

Architecture Camp
Ola Kunysz – “Your tests are waste of time. Change my mind

Agnieszka Lasyk
O czym mówię, kiedy mówię o bieganiu. Czyli o tym czego manager może nauczyć się z biegów ultra.

Architecture Camp

There will be 2-3 sessions of discussion tables. Each session will start with a very short topic description (3-5 minutes each) provided by discussion lead on the stage. After all presentations, participants will choose what topic they are interested in and join the discussion at the table in a smaller group (usually 5-15 people).

Each participant can submit the topic for discussion.

Here is the list of current submitted topics.

Sławek Sobótka – “Coupling modułów to symptom przeoczonych pod-domen
Ola Kunysz – “Your tests are waste of time. Change my mind
Venkat Subramaniam – “Extensibility: Reality or Myth
Krzysztof Rakowski – “Jak wspierać seniorów w rozwoju? Perspektywa seniora, lidera, organizacji.

We are in process of confirming more talks, however you can also submit yours. Just send us email to info@beyondcode.pl

There is no strict timeline for the Architecture Camp due to the nature of the discussion tables. However, there is the approximate schedule:

12:20 – 13:20 Lunch
13:20 – 14:50 Session 1 (3-6 parallel discussions)
14:50 – 15:10 Break
15:10 – 16:40 Session 2 (3-6 parallel discussions)

Our Sponsors

If you want to become one of the sponsors, please email us at info@beyondcode.pl.

Time and Schedule

During two full days there will be time for regular talks, open space discussions and also networking.

Best Offer

To best use your time and money we propose to book a hotel room at the conference venue. Please refer to the ticket types.

Meet People

Join us to meet new people and make new friends. Don’t miss such a great opportunity.


Nosalowy Dwór, Oswalda Balzera 21d, 34-500 Zakopane


Get more information about conference and also additional videos and podcasts on soft skills, leadership, mentoring, communication, passion, etc.

Contact Info:

Developers World Grzegorz Duda
Wielicka 91/4
30-552 Krakow
NIP: PL6792536646
Phone: +48 691 793 87
Email: info@beyondcode.pl